I first started this blog as a way to document my writing journey and back then I was fixated on writing a book. It was what drove me to the computer every day.
Words flowing from my fingers and onto the page fulfilled me.
But somewhere along the way the love of writing a book died. The darkness of my novel consumed me and writing it became a chore. I lost my way and each time I took a break from the book I felt great.
I forced myself to get back to the novel, thinking that was what I was supposed to be doing.
As it turns out, what I was supposed to do is write. It doesn't matter that I'm not writing a novel anymore, I'm still writing every day. I can concentrate on creating short pieces, the ones I enjoy most.
I've always loved writing my flash fiction and can often make a good impact with them. Some of my most powerful writing happens when the piece is short, like The Storm Rages On or Thankful.
My writing journey is still ongoing, I am a writer and will always be. Creative writing is only a part of the writer in me.
I adore writing this blog. It has become the thing I most look forward to and it has given me opportunities I thought I could only dream of.
Writing every day, here, it's me. My words, my world, my family.
It's real.
The beautiful sky at sunset. |
And right now the real world is calling more than a fictional one.