Since I met the Hubby we've been to Walt Disney World together 7 times. The very first time I went we were a young couple enjoying our lives together. Since then we've been with babies, young children, and during our next trip (this summer!) we'll have one teenager. We've experienced Walt Disney World in many stages in our lives and it always changes, but there are some things that stay the same. The reasons why you should visit Walt Disney World will never change...
Florida weather is as unpredictable as anywhere but one thing you can count on is that during the summer months it will be hot. Very hot. And there'll be lots of rain too - usually on the same day as the hot hot sun! I can imagine you're wondering why on earth I would put the weather into a list of reasons you should go to Walt Disney World, well it's because if you're from the UK you will have never experienced anything like it.
All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.
Walt Disney
The rain isn't as unpleasant as it is at home, when it rains it really rains, it pours down like someone has a watering can and is pouring it over your head but the thing about this rain is that it is so refreshing. After being in the sun for a while you welcome a downpour or two. I've lost count of the number of times we've been caught in a downpour and every time we laugh about it. We are the only ones within sight to wander through the rain and not dart for cover. We truly love it when it rains.
The heat can get unbearable at times, but luckily anywhere inside has air conditioning and as you're walking around you can pop into any shops or indoors areas to shelter from the heat.
The one thing you will definitely get in abundance in Walt Disney World is magic. It truly is a magical place. Smiles everywhere you look, children shrieking with excitement, and unexpected surprises around every corner.
It is difficult to describe just how magical the place is, all I can say is imagine Tinkerbell has flown all over Walt Disney World sprinkling her pixie dust wherever she goes. There's a tingle in the air and an anticipation everywhere.
Theme parks
With four theme parks to choose from as well as Disney Springs, the shopping area, there's always something exciting to do. Whether you're there with younger kids or older ones there's something for everyone. There are rides for the babies featuring Winnie the Pooh and Peter Pan and there are roller-coasters for the older kids.
I still love riding the baby rides and my boys humour me by going on with me, they roll their eyes as I reminisce when on the ride. Like the time we went on the Winnie the Pooh ride and LP couldn't stop bouncing like Tigger when we got off the ride. I remember it like it was yesterday.
Of course if you have older kids but don't like the roller-coasters, like me, there's plenty of shops to investigate and plenty to see.
The choices of restaurants both inside and outside of the parks are amazing. You'll be spoilt for choice of where to eat, deciding on just one place to eat will feel too restrictive. Get fish and chips from the Fish Shop in UK pavilion in Epcot or if you'd like something a little more fancy why not try out California Grill at the Contemporary Resort. Add to that snacks that will make you drool and drinks that will "wow" you, and you're bound to have an experience every time you eat.
You never know when you'll turn a corner in one of the parks and find some "on street" entertainment. Acrobatics in the France pavilion at Epcot, drum theatrics with the Jammitors at Epcot, singing and pianists at the Magic Kingdom, and dancing in the street at the Animal Kingdom, plus so much more your bound to find something to make you smile.
The last time we visited I remember seeing the Jammitors on our first day in the parks, it was a brilliant start to our holiday and I was amazed that we'd never seen them before. From then on I kept an eye out for the on street entertainment and I loved seeing some of the entertainment we'd missed previous years. I highly recommend looking out for them.
No matter where you look you'll find people smiling. Visitors to the parks are obviously smiling because they're on holiday but the Cast Members (Disney staff) always have a smile for you too. The Cast Members are always happy to help, they want to make your trip more enjoyable and they'll often go out of their way to help you.
It's all about the kids
Every single day, every single park, every single activity, is dedicated to making the kids smile. And just because you're an adult doesn't mean you can't enjoy every second too, because the best thing about Walt Disney World is that you can become a kid again. You get to skip along the streets, shriek when you see your favourite character, or even jump in the air with excitement and no one bats an eyelid.
Walt Disney World is a place you can let go.
You're dead if you aim only for kids. Adults are only kids grown up, anyway.
Walt Disney
That's it for the reasons you should visit Walt Disney World but if these haven't convinced you why not check out some of my other posts. If you want to read about some of the best rides try The best rides at Magic Kingdom, or if you'd like to learn more about the queue jumping system read Everything you need to know about Fastpass+.