I have been a stay-at-home mum for more than 11 years and in that time I've been through many stages. I've hated it, got used to it, and even enjoyed it. I have driven myself crazy with boredom, I've tried new hobbies. After 11 years I am finally embracing my stay-at-home mum status!
If you're a stay-at-home mum you'll already know the disadvantages, from cleaning to being blamed for everything, but that's not what I want to talk about today. It's about time we began to enjoy staying at home and take advantage of being able to do so.
Spend the day in your pyjamas
The children are at school, the shopping is done, and you have no plans to leave the house - it is perfectly acceptable to do cleaning in your pj's. It's bad enough that you have to do the cleaning at all so you may as well be comfortable while you're doing it!
Your children know where to find you
You're a stay-at-home mum, which means the majority of the time you're at home, and the children know that. If there's trouble at school, if illness strikes, or if they just need something from home they know they can ask the school to call you and you'll be there.
The day is yours to spend as you wish
With the rug-rats spending the day at school you are free to do what you want with the day. Admittedly that involves cleaning most days, picking up after the children, and making sure there's food in the house but on the rare occasion that all that stuff is done you have a day for you. You can leave the house (shock-horror!), you could go shopping (and I don't mean food shopping), you can even spend the day in front of the TV if you so choose.
Hot coffee (or tea)
Imagine... It's been a hectic morning with the children racing around the house gathering things for school. You've made and packed lunches, and you've spent a lot of time yelling (or screaming!) and panicking that they'll be late for school. They leave the house to catch the bus or walk to school.
All is quiet...
Now you can sit down with a hot coffee, switch on morning TV, and relax. Another morning is done and you can congratulate yourself that the children left the house on time.
Find new hobbies
When the housework is done and the coffee is gone watching morning TV can be dull. Now is the time to find yourself an awesome new hobby. It could be cross-stitch (something I used to do!), it could be baking (in classic SAHM style!), or it could be something completely different... like blogging!
Take the time to find out what you really enjoy doing and do it.
Coffee with the girls
Being a stay-at-home mum isn't always about being alone. If you're a lucky lady you may find yourself a pal or two at the school gates. You may even find that they too are stay-at-home mums and you forge a wonderful new friendship. As your children grow your friendship does too and while the children are at school you can go to a coffee shop with your friend and have a good old gossip.
Rare nights off
On the rare occasion that your sister/mother/friend offers to take the children for an evening you get to enjoy special time with your partner. These rare nights off end up being all the more special because they're so rare and even if you don't go out you get to enjoy time as a couple, just the two of you.
These are just a few of the ways I'm embracing being a stay-at-home mum.