Post Comment Love 8th - 10th July

Welcome to another week of Post Comment Love, link up your best post of the week no matter what the topic.

What on earth has happened to the weather? It was so lovely a few weeks ago and now I'm sitting in my office with my jumper on and my nose is freezing! That might sound daft but my nose always goes cold when I'm cold, do you think there's such a thing as a nose-warmer? You know, like ear-muffs but for your nose? 

So I'm sitting here wondering if I should put the heating on or just get an extra jumper. How is that happening in JULY! The photo above is our garden a few weeks ago when the weather was so lovely. I'm hoping the sun makes an appearance during the summer holidays, there'll be many days when my boys need entertainment and we'll get cabin fever if we're stuck in every day. 

The boys have just two weeks left at school. BP is excited to be starting his new timetable for year 8 next week, which will get him prepared for the start of term in September. He's already been told that he'll be with his friends in his next class which has made him happy. LP cannot wait to be in Year 3, he hasn't been told which class he's in but he doesn't mind that. He is just looking forward to being able to play in a different area on the playground and maybe going on a residential trip at the start of next year. He's growing up so fast!

I do love the fact that my boys like school though, it makes it much easier to deal with letting them go. 

After a short break last week we've had a few newbies get in touch and I'm happy to report we have a newbie this week...

Newbie Showcase Laura from Adventures with J

Hi I’m Laura and I write the blog Adventures with J. I finished my maternity leave and became a SAHM, leaving my career in teaching behind. Although I love spending time with my little man, I also needed something for me and that was where the idea of a blog came from. It has certainly kept me on my toes and there is just so much to learn! I am loving every second of it.

A week in to blogging I felt a bit lost as no-one was reading my blog except my husband. Why would they? I only had about 10 Twitter followers. Then one evening, I stumbled upon #TribalChat which allowed me to join a wonderfully supportive blogging community, introduced me to linkys and allowed me to grow in confidence as a blogger. For me blogging has become more than just a hobby. It has allowed me to learn so much and to meet some wonderful people - the blogging community are so welcoming and helpful :)

My most popular posts so far have been:

You can also find Laura here:



Each week you'll be able to link up from either of our sites and between us Stephanie and I will comment on every post linked.

Help us spread the #PoCoLo word on Twitter and include the badge on your post.

Please do pop over and say hi to this week's Newbie, you remember what it was like being a new blogger right? It's always nice to get a comment or two. 

If you'd like to be featured in our Newbie Showcase please do contact us.

Thank you for popping by.

Post Comment Love
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