Post Comment Love 12th - 14th January

Welcome back to another week of Post Comment Love, link up your best or favourite post of the week to give that extra bit of love.

We are finally back to normal here, whatever normal is. Hubby and I are working in our rooms and the boys are back at school. All we have to do now is shake the feeling that we should take more time off work! It's not easy getting back to it is it? It's been more of a struggle than I thought it would be, despite me wanting to get back to writing. It's like my brain is refusing to work properly in protest!

The funny thing is I didn't really start work properly until yesterday, and it's almost the weekend so I have no idea why I'm complaining. Ah well - next week will be better.

The boys are glad to be at school again, particularly LP who has missed his friends - but more importantly missed his football club. He played on Wednesday after school and despite being red with cold he had a huge smile on his face. He's such an active child and loves being outdoors. I dread to think what he'll be like when he's a teen!

BP is back to grunting at me in a morning, nothing new there. He's quiet, as usual, and doesn't really share much about school unless pushed. He has his Year 9 exams next week so we've been spending a lot of time nagging him to do revision. He hates it - but I think it's mainly because he doesn't really know how to revise. I've helped him a little and given him some advice on how to help it all go in, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for him. It's a stressful time, the expectations are high and I know it is getting to him. If I'm honest I'll be glad when the exams are over so he can relax for a while.

So that's it, a bit of a funny week but slowly getting into the swing of things.

How has your week been?

Blogger Showcase Megan from FITMEG-UK

All about the fitness Megan started blogging so that she could give FREE fitness advice to people. Personal trainers are expensive but what if you could ask questions of someone for free? Great right? Describing herself as bubbly, motivated, and driven Megan prefers tea and biscuits - she's really into those biscuits!

Check out her answers to our Blogger Showcase questions over on Stephanie's blog.

You can connect with Megan here:

Megan feel free to grab our 'featured' badge and display it ever-so-proudly on your blog!

Post Comment Love
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Each week you'll be able to link up from either of our sites and between us Stephanie and I will comment on every post linked.

The rules; Link up your best post written in the last week and we'd like you to comment on at least two other linked posts, as well as the hosts.

Help us spread the #PoCoLo word on Twitter and include the badge on your post.

Please do pop over and say hi to this week's Blogger Showcase. It's always nice to get a comment or two.

If you'd like to be featured in our Blogger Showcase please do check out the questions and email your answers to us at

Thank you for popping by.

Post Comment Love
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