Post Comment Love & Newbie Showcase 22nd - 24th April

I cannot believe it's Friday again! On the one hand it's great that the weekend is almost here and I get to read more fantastic blog posts from you, but on the other hand the kids will be home all day tomorrow!

Kids at home means noise, mess, and arguments. Don't get me wrong I love them both but I've got used to them being at school this week and I'm not quite ready for them to be home again.

I feel like I'm still playing catch up. I've had work to do for the Hubby (I do the admin for his business), I've had my washing mountain to tackle, and I've had lots of emails throughout the week.

My to-do list of posts is growing and it's sometimes hard to find the time to fit it all in. I know I'll get back into my routine eventually but it's quite a slog getting there.

On a positive note I'm enjoying seeing flowers blooming and the lovely colours about the place. I've had to get rid of the flowers I'd started to have in the house because of my (and BP's) hayfever. Boo! But it is nice seeing the bright colours appearing in the garden.

What's your week been like, have your kids just gone back to school or are you back into a lovely routine again?

Newbie Showcase Mainy from My Real Fairy

I'm Mainy and I went live with my blog at the start of 2016. I'm a 40's something woman and I run a busy household like most people and I work full time. My blog is a really big mix of lifestyle, tales of our family which are my 2 school age boys and my partner. Book reviews, poems and arts & crafts are also a passion and something I love reading and writing about. Most of what I blog and feature will have a fairy or folklore theme, however tenuous that may be. But even then, I like to mix it up a bit so that it can be fluid. I blog to relax and to have something that is more of a creative outlet than other areas in my life. I see it as a bit of 'me' time.

You can find me on:


My five blogs which I'm proud of are:

Tales of a Newbie Blogger #1 -

Fairy Pools -

Ariella -

Fairies at The Bottom of The Garden ~ The Cottingley Fairies -

Is Yoga right for me? -


Each week you'll be able to link up from either of our sites and between us Stephanie and I will comment on every post linked. The rules are still the same; your post needs to have been written in the last week and we'd like you to comment on at least two other linked posts, help us spread the #PoCoLo word on Twitter and include the badge on your post.

The Newbie Showcase is continuing and you'll find it alternating between us. Over the last few months we've had the odd issue with finding replacements for our Newbie Showcase when people have dropped out. As a result Stephanie and I have decided to change the rules slightly.

Now when you get in touch we'll ask you for your information before we give you a date when you'll be featured. Once we have your information we add you to our list and tell you when you'll be featured as our Newbie.

So far this is working much better than before and Stephanie's and my stress levels are significantly lower!

Please do pop over and say hi to this week's Newbie, you remember what it was like being a new blogger right? It's always nice to get a comment or two.

If you'd like to be featured in our Newbie Showcase please do email us at

Thank you for popping by.

Post Comment Love
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