Are You Limiting Your Child's Future?

How many hours, per day, does your child use a tablet? 1 hour, 2?

Morgan's Milieu | Are You Limiting Your Child's Future?: iPad Air resting on the top of a Macbook Pro. The Macbook is sitting on a dark oak desk.

Do you restrict the time they spend on devices or do you ban them altogether?

Talking to a friend of mine this morning she told me she doesn't let her children use these devices. I was shocked. She is limiting her children's ability and possibly harming their future chances.

I do not think, even for a second, children should spend hours on end looking at a computer or tablet screen. It is not good for them to stare at screens all day. What I'm saying is there's a place for these tablets. They're a useful tool in the household and can be great for education. 

My eldest, Big Prince, had a school project last year in which he had to give a presentation. He went straight for the scissors to cut things out of a magazine. The Hubby and I suggested he use an iPad, it has apps to collate photographs, write descriptions and organise his thoughts all in one place. Not only that but he could take the iPad into school with him for the presentation, just like he'd practised. He did and after the presentation BP's friends said how impressed they were.

We had BP's parent's evening yesterday and his teacher told us he uses BP to help some of the other children when they're doing computer lessons. BP is confident using computers, iPads, any technology really. He knows enough that he can help his fellow pupils in IT. In the future BP will not be afraid to try out new technology.

And this is my point. If you deny your children access to a tablet, phone or computer you're restricting their ability to learn. The more your children can explore these devices the more they learn and that can't be a bad thing. These tablets are a part of life, that is a fact.

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