Post Comment Love 1st - 3rd February

Welcome back to another week of Post Comment Love where Stephanie and I welcome all bloggers all topics. We love to read what you're up to every week and I can't wait to see what you've got in store for us this week.

It's been an exciting week for me so far because I finally did something I've been thinking about for a long time. I set up an Etsy shop!

Morgan's Magic Markers | Digital prints and personalised prints available on Etsy.

That's my little venture. At the moment I only have a few digital prints available but I'm working on adding more and in the near future I'll have personalised things available too. I never thought, when I started drawing my little characters, that it would turn into something real but I believe this is something I can really do.

If you have any requests do let me know and I'll get to work on them right away!

As for the rest of us, the boys are looking forward to half term already - which is only a couple of weeks away now. The other day LP found out that he can do his sports activities again so he's rather pleased, and that means he'll be out most days which will make BP happy. That sounds awful, but I think BP likes his peace and quiet as much as his mum!

And the Hubby is programming every day usual and trying to get a little traction with his game. If you haven't already do check out Carnival Blast on iOS (coming to Android soon) - it's free to play!

So how has your week been? Any exciting developments for you?

Blogger Showcase Kelly from The Kelly Diane Report

Kelly is a 24-year-old blogger who writes about Aviation, beauty, fashion, and lifestyle. She describes herself as kind, organised, and happy, and loves to have dinner at a pub with friends and family. Check out her answers to our Blogger Showcase questions over on Stephanie's blog.


Each week you'll be able to link up from either of our sites and between us Stephanie and I will comment on every post linked.

The rules; Link up your best post written in the last week and we'd like you to comment on at least two other linked posts, as well as the hosts. 

Help us spread the #PoCoLo word on Twitter and include the badge on your post.

Please do pop over and say hi to this week's Blogger Showcase. It's always nice to get a comment or two. 

If you'd like to be featured in our Blogger Showcase please do check out the questions and email your answers to us at

Thank you for popping by.

Post Comment Love
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