When you first embark on this parenting malarkey you have absolutely no idea what you're doing, you're terrified you'll break the little baby in your arms and you question everything you do. It's a scary time. But once that little baby grows and starts to answer back or argue when you ask them to do something you wonder what you were worried about all those years ago. This new stage of parenting while testing (so much!) is also a wonderful time for so many reasons - here's why I think it's awesome being a mum to teens/tweens.
How old?
LP is 9, officially a tween. Over the last few months we've seen glimpses of the teen he may become with bouts of answering back or arguing about things he disagrees with. He is not afraid to voice his opinion and is happy to tell me he thinks I am wrong. But he is also caring, friendly, and outgoing. He likes to stay active, taking bike rides with his dad on a daily basis, and he likes to discuss all kinds of topics. He loves to learn.
BP is a teen, just - 13 years old (14 in August). He's quieter than LP, he'll keep his opinions to himself until they burst out of him in an almighty strop. He's a thinker, and he lets his feelings fester. He won't talk about something if it's bothering him. BP is also a wonderfully creative person, he loves writing and his stories amaze me. He feels things deeply and is loving.
We can talk about all sorts of different topics with our boys, and they're both interested in different parts of the topics which makes for a more interesting conversation. We learn about their opinions, they ask questions and they can give their own answers by explaining their thoughts. While they are both still children our conversations with them get more and more interesting the older they get.
It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.
E. E. Cummings
Fun time
When the boys were young we had limited choices for fun, they couldn't go on roller-coasters at theme parks because they were too small. We couldn't play board games because they didn't understand. And we certainly couldn't take them to the cinema - it would've ruined it for others. But now they're older we can take days out, go bowling and more!
Theme parks, cinema, mini-golf, to name just a few things we've enjoyed in the last year. We get to have fun, talk about new topics while having fun, and even play more interesting board games. And so long as there are no tantrums (yes, even as teens there are still tantrums) we all have a great day.
With LP's reading age at 11+ and BP reading more interesting things for school it's always lovely to see them expanding the types of books they read. BP has just finished reading An Inspector Calls - a book both the Hubby and I have read and enjoyed and one that BP will be studying next year for his GCSEs. LP has just finished The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe and is currently reading Around the World in 80 Days.
Entertaining themselves
I don't have to entertain them all of the time, which means I get time to myself! Whether watching movies, playing games, or going out with friends they can find ways to entertain themselves. They can be relied upon to give me some space when I need it - which is brilliant.
There's so many devices to choose from how can they get bored?
Up early
By giving them an alarm clock to use they can get themselves out of bed (some of the time) and get ready for school without too much trouble - giving you a chance for a lie-in. Of course this hasn't quite worked out for me just yet, BP has a terrible knack of ignoring his alarm and going back to sleep so we haven't perfected this one, but we're getting there.
Feeding time
This is a new one for me and I'm not quite ready to give up the reigns. BP has started to do his own breakfast, toast or cereal, and he's cooking in school. He can make sandwiches for himself and his toast is fine, but he needs more practise. I still make a family meal every day so we do eat properly but seeing the progress into wanting to make his own food is a good thing - I think!
Adolescents are not monsters. They are just people trying to learn how to make it among the adults in the world, who are probably not so sure themselves.
Virginia Satir
Board games
As you know board games are a family favourite here and being able to try out more interesting games is great. We've gone from really simple ones, and having LP on a "team" to playing Scrabble and Ticket to Ride. It's so much fun for us all and we've got a growing collection of games.
Catan, another great game to play with your older children.
While it's stressful being a parent to a teen and a tween there are good sides to it. Navigating the emotional waves and tantrums is much easier when you can look forward to things. We look forward to our board games and our discussions and I can see my boys growing up day by day. It's a wonderful thing.
What do you enjoy about being a parent to a tween/teen?
Enjoy more time to yourself by getting your teens to do chores too! Grab your free downloadable chores list here.