Post Comment Love 21st - 23rd July

Post Comment Love is here and Stephanie and I cannot wait to read your awesome posts. Link up, read, comment, and share posts you find. We'll be sure to do the same for you!

It's been a better week this week, despite the terrible weather. At the moment it's raining again but I don't really mind it. The only downside is still having to do the school runs in the rain. I've been working hard this week to get things done before the boys finish school on Tuesday. I've got plenty done but it never feels enough, do you know what I mean?

I have been able to keep track of what I'm doing, and what I want to do, by using my planner though. I'm actually writing things down and sticking to a timetable, which seems to be working well at the moment. But as always it's almost the holidays and it's bound to go wrong over the holidays! I'm not going to sweat it though, that's what the holidays are for. 

The boys are definitely ready for the break, I think they're excited about all the things we have planned. Venice, London, York, are just a few places we'll be visiting. I'm sure that by the time the boys are back at school (6th September) we'll all be wiped out and ready for school to start!

Do you have any trips planned for the holidays?

Blogger Showcase Emma from Our Fairytale Adventure

Who are you?

I'm Emma, I write the parenting blog 'Our Fairytale Adventure' which is about life with my partner Mr. C and our two boys Bear and Monkey. We are a really close family and love to travel, so have decided to travel as much as we can over the next 18 months before my eldest Bear starts school.

How did you discover blogs / blogging / why did you start blogging.

I've always been passionate about writing, love to read and I guess as a millennial I've grown up in the digital age, so I've always been aware of blogging as an industry. I studied journalism at university, so when I became a stay at home mum and started feeling a bit lost, I went back to writing and created a blog.

What do you find most challenging

Blogging is a very competitive industry, so in order to keep propelling the blog forward there are a lot of different things to consider from follower growth, creative content, SEO, networking and sometimes it can be difficult to do all aspects of blogging well.

Are you blogging for fun or do you have goals?

I blog for fun and it is primarily a hobby. That said as it grows, I do work with more and more brands. I'm hoping I can get my blog to a place where it supports some of our travel plans over the next 18 months.

Have you ever attended a blogging conference and if you have what did you think?

I have attended a couple, I went to one in London last year which was quite honestly awful. It was cliquey, I wasn't given a schedule so didn't know what sessions were on, the ones I attended were 90% useless and the brands weren't particularly relevant either. It was a complete waste of a lot of money. That said I attended a smaller event in Manchester shortly afterwards, absolutely loved it and booked tickets again for this year. I think it's a trial an error process when it comes to blogging conferences.

What are your three best posts:

That's a difficult one...

'It's 3am mummy' is one very close to my heart and is about how my children see my through the night wake up calls -

'Miscarriage and rainbow babies. My children. My loves. My joys. My rainbows' is a really emotional one for me because it talks about how much my children mean to me and talks about miscarriages I had before I had my children -

'Create a sensory garden' is a post I really like because I think it is the starting point for when I started to address the topic of conservation with my children. I want them to be proactive in their efforts to save our planet and think this is a really important foundation block for them to develop a healthy attitude towards nature -

Describe yourself in three words:

Fiery, compassionate and kind

Are you a tea and biscuits or a coffee and cake kind of person?

Can I go with tea and cake? I'm more that sort of person!

What is your idea of a perfect night out?

To be honest I love different experiences and think there is great adventure in trying new things, so I don't think I could say what a 'perfect night out' would be.

Your perfect night in?

This one is easy! An autumn night, with a fire lit in the fireplace, blankets, hot chocolate and my family all snuggled together watching a film.

What would your best friend, other half, mum or kids say is you best quality?

At a guess, that I'm a really caring person. You'd have to ask them though!

Connect with Emma here:


Thank you for answering our questions Emma and feel free to grab our 'featured' badge and display it ever-so-proudly!

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Each week you'll be able to link up from either of our sites and between us Stephanie and I will comment on every post linked.

The rules; Link up your best post written in the last week and we'd like you to comment on at least two other linked posts, as well as the hosts.

Help us spread the #PoCoLo word on Twitter and include the badge on your post.

Please do pop over and say hi to this week's Blogger Showcase. It's always nice to get a comment or two.

If you'd like to be featured in our Blogger Showcase please do check out the questions and email your answers to us at

Thank you for popping by.

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