Post Comment Love 3rd - 5th March

Welcome back to another week of Post Comment Love, where, despite the weather outside, the sun is always shining. Stephanie and I look forward to reading the different blog posts every week and it is lovely to see some of you coming back again and again. We have built a lovely little community here and it's great to see it thriving. If you're new here, welcome! Link up your best post of the week and Stephanie and I will comment and share, giving your blog a little boost.

This week has been a weird one, our route to school has been disrupted meaning that I've had to spend almost an hour in the car twice a day. I'm so not used to that and driving in rush hour traffic sends me nuts! There's road works going on just around the corner from us and they've closed the road, the only problem is that it's the only road that leads from our house to LP's school. My usual route to school is just over 2 miles but with the detour it's almost 6! And of course because of rush hour traffic and having to join the main road it takes a lot longer to make the journey. 

I've been leaving the house at 8:15am and not getting back home until 9:10, it may not sound like much but when I'm only in the car for about 10 minutes in total it's quite a change. I'm looking forward to next week when things will hopefully be back to normal. 

Create the things you wish existed.

The card-making has continued as I made the Hubby's birthday card, it took some doing but I was pleased with the result. I'm gathering quite the collection of crafty paper, stamps and other bits, it's lovely to see the collection growing. Hopefully I'll be sharing more of my card-making with you and my skills will improve with time.

I had a short blip in my confidence this week. I began doubting myself and wondered why I blog. It was a shaky day and I thought about stopping. Of course the blip didn't last long and I realised that I was being silly. I blog because I love it, I write about my life, about my boys, about me, and I'm not in it for any other reason than I love writing. Speaking of which, I looked at my novel this week too. It's been a long time since I looked at it and I remember thinking it was quite good, how wrong I was! Reading it now makes me see that it wasn't ready to be read by anyone but me, I haven't decided if I'll be editing it or re-writing it, or just stuffing it back into the drawer, but at least I have options.

With confidence, you have won before you have started. 

Marcus Garvey

Another thing this week has been more painting... I know I must be mad! After decorating my office we decided we wanted to paint the landing too and we've had a few paint samples on the walls. Last weekend we settled on a colour and painted half of the landing, the other half is being finished this weekend. Then we're having a new shower fitted because the old one was rubbish. I feel like we're spending a lot of time (and money) on the house at the moment but it's not on things that will need doing again in a couple of weeks so I guess that's okay.

It's been a busy week for me but the weekends are always great for winding down (apart from when you're painting!) so I'll be doing that at some point. How was your week?

Blogger Showcase Emma from Emmmmerz

Who are you?

Once upon a time, I was a girl named Emma, but now I answer to Mom most of the time. Grew up in the 80's and part of the 90's; so am in that transitional generation. We played outside til the sun went down; but I've also watched technology take over the world.

​I've been married since 2002 to my Christ-loving USAF guy, and am a mom of 3 crazybeautiful blessings, Jam 2010, Lea 2013, and Van 2015. We currently have 2 dogs, 2 cats, and 5 fish in our castle in Central Alaska.

Always a fan of food, and known for being brutally honest, stubbornly independent, fiercely loyal, headstrong, and having a different outlook on things. I used to be found with my nose in a book around 85% of the time, but now I am usually found playing with my kids, cooking up a new experiment, or blogging (or researching a blog post).

My faith in God, Jesus Christ is very important to me, and I can only hope to show His love to others with my daily walk. We are a homeschooling military family, and are attempting to enjoy every moment of that journey.

How did you discover blogging?

To be honest, I kind of fell into blogging. I bought my domain name before I had really heard of blogging, and was trying to figure out what I wanted to do with my site. One of my e-friends at the time suggested wordpress, and I've been using it ever since.

Why did you start blogging?

I needed a place to vent. And while I still prefer pen and paper for lists, I prefer to get my thoughts out via the keyboard. My blog started out as a collection of email forwards, random vents, and recipes. As time has gone on, it's included stuff about my kids, my husband, and military life; but it's still mostly about my life and recipes.

What do you find most challenging?

Being coherent and not rambling. Although keeping my sanity while attempting to keep the blog active while homeschooling the kiddos is a very close second.

Having a planner and a supportive husband; along with a private place to write are definitely huge helps.

What is your favourite topic to write about?

Food. Recipes. Tools for, and tips for preparation. I am fat for a reason, and it's because I love food. My husband thinks I am a magician because I can make up a recipe and have it turn out delicious without having a bunch of mistrials up to the finished dish. (Think the movie Ratatouille and the scene about the dancing flavors)

Are you blogging for fun or do you have goals?

I started out just blogging, but I am working towards having an income from the blog. I hope to be bringing in enough for us to travel the US by RV by the time hubby retires from the workforce.
(I don't know if he is going to go the full 20 years in the USAF, but regardless by the time he's 50.)

What is your favourite thing about blogging?

The way it makes me stop, calm down, and think. Being home with 3 crazy kids every day, quiet time for reflection is truly a gift from God. I love the crazy, but the quiet recharges me, and gives me enough to pour into my children's cups the next day.

I also am enthralled with the creativity and community that the blogosphere has. The willingness I see from these amazing writers to share their skills, ideas, and hearts just inspires me.

Have you ever attended a blogging conference and if so, what did you think?

I have not, and probably will not any time soon. One of the drawbacks of living in the center of Alaska is how expensive it is to return to civilization.

While I adore living in the wilderness and the freedom it brings, there are some things that I do miss about living in a metropolis.

What are your three best posts?

Describe yourself in 3 words.


Christian; because I strive to love like He does, which is without reservation and completely.
Mom; because that is what I wanted to be as a kid, and the biggest portion of my life at the moment.
Different; because I've never really fit in. I've always had something about me stick out, be my ears or my parenting choices.

Are you a tea and biscuits or coffee and cake person?

Coffee all the way, but I don't like sweets as much as the average person. So it'd be the American version of biscuits, rather than the British cookies. ;)

What's your idea of the perfect night out?

Good food, good company, and a good time. I am actually not incredibly picky as far as dates go. I love exploring though, so will pick a place we haven't been before whenever I get a choice.

And the perfect night in?

All of us cuddled on the couch watching a movie with the lights down low, popcorn made and a board game under our belts.

What would your best friend/OH/mum or kids say is your best quality?

My husband says that I am an incredible mother, as I put them first.
My friend would probably say my willingness to help others, no matter the cost.
And my mom would say just being me, haha.

You can connect with Emma here:

Facebook Page

Thank you so much Emma for being a part of our Blogger Showcase feature, feel free to grab the badge.

Post Comment Love
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Each week you'll be able to link up from either of our sites and between us Stephanie and I will comment on every post linked.

The rules; Link up your best post written in the last week and we'd like you to comment on at least two other linked posts, as well as the hosts.

Help us spread the #PoCoLo word on Twitter and include the badge on your post.

Please do pop over and say hi to this week's Blogger Showcase. It's always nice to get a comment or two.

If you'd like to be featured in our Blogger Showcase please do check out the questions and email your answers to us at

Thank you for popping by.

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