Saying Goodbye to Your Comfort Zone

As far as blogging is concerned I've spent a long time plodding along at my own pace, learning, writing, and watching. I observed other bloggers and took notice of how they did things but I never took any risks. I wrote about my children, about my life. Happy in my comfort zone I didn't see the point in trying to better myself.

If you're anything like me you've seen other bloggers become successful. They attend wonderful PR days and get to meet with some influential and inspiring people. And you sit and wonder why you don't get those opportunities. 

You sit at home, typing on your Mac/PC/Tablet.
You sit at home, reading others' posts.
You sit at home, chatting on social media.
You sit at home...


Over the last year I've started to try harder and for the very first time I stepped out of my comfort zone to attend Blogfest 15. It was a terrifying experience but I learned a lot and left London feeling exhausted but inspired.

Since then, apart from expanding my knowledge, nothing much has changed. I still sit at home writing my posts, I still watch my children and wait to be inspired. I sit at home and wait for something wonderful to happen to me. 

Only it won't.

Sitting on your backside doesn't change anything. 

The opportunities will not simply arrive on your doorstep. If people don't know you have a talent then whey would they think of you?

A few weeks ago I listened to a Meet the Parents Podcast in which Tim spoke about putting yourself out there as a blogger. If I remember rightly he was discussing Dad Bloggers and how they should attend BML 16, they should "stand up and be counted". Tim was speaking to Dad Bloggers at that point but what he said struck a chord and I couldn't stop thinking about it. 

What if I put myself out there?
What if I took a chance and tried?


What if YOU put YOURSELF out there?
What if YOU took a chance and tried?

A few months ago I was asked to contribute to another site, Meet Other Mums, but I had some reservations. I have never given myself deadlines or real work to do and writing for another site was almost like having a job. I didn't want a job. What if it all went horribly wrong and everyone laughed at my submissions? What if I was told I was not a good writer and I needed to give up? What if I made a complete fool of myself?

What if...

What if they loved the submissions?
What if people came to my blog because of my submissions to this other site?
What if I took the chance? Even if I did make a fool of myself what was the worst that could happen?

I expect that at some point you have been offered an opportunity that you passed up because fear gripped you. Yet you sit at home and wonder why wonderful things don't happen. I know this because it's exactly what I've been doing. But like I said, what if?

What if you wrote that book?
What if you baked that cake?
What if you wrote the email to that PR person?

If you don't try you will never know.


After listening to the Meet the Parents Podcast I decided to go ahead with writing for Meet Other Mums. It's not demanding, I only need to submit once every month, so I have said goodbye to my comfort zone.

I've put myself out there.
I'm taking a risk.

Have you?

All the magic happens outside your comfort zone right?


Diary of an imperfect mum

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