The Real You - It's Okay To Burn Toast, Wear Jeans, And Not Be Perfect

The blogging world is full of "perfect", the perfect photo, the perfect recipe, the perfect mum. I've spent a long time beating myself up about not being able to live up to that perfection, as I'm sure you have.

I'm here to tell you to stop, it's okay to not be perfect.

On burning toast

I burn toast regularly. I've lost count of the number of slices I've had to throw away. I would blame the toaster but I can't, I get distracted by another job and leave the bread in the toaster too long. 


As a busy mum it's easy to forget about the toaster when you're hurrying a 6 year old along to get ready for school. Burning toast is not the end of the world, simply put another slice of bread in the toaster and start again. 

On wearing jeans

I love my jeans. Skinny, high-waisted, bootleg, any kind.
I can style them any way I like but it's usually with either a t-shirt or jumper.


Jeans are every woman's best friend, they're comfortable, versatile, and stylish. You can team them with shirts, jumpers, even strappy vests and you'll look great. You don't need to look like a supermodel to look, and feel, good. If you wear your favourite pair of jeans with your most comfortable top, along with a smile (because you're so comfortable), your confidence will shine through. You may even find people comment on how good you look!

On not being perfect

I can't take great photos, I am an average cook, I'm rubbish at crafts, and you know what? That's okay.


You don't need to be a master chef to make a pleasing meal for your family. You don't need to be a star photographer to capture great photos (the great ones aren't usually the 'best' anyway). You don't need to create the perfect card or present to make your children happy, spending time with you will do that.

You are doing your best. You get dressed every day (mostly), you feed your family the best you can, and you try to make yourself and your family happy. 

Who needs perfection?