My Ultimate Bucket List

Last week I was tagged by the lovely Amy over at Mr and Mrs T Plus Three to share my ultimate bucket list. I have to say I'm not much of a dreamer these days and my thoughts are often consumed with the day's to-do list rather than what 'might' be.

Morgan's Milieu | My Ultimate Bucket List: Photo taken on Daytona Beach
Living near this beach would AMAZING!

Putting this list together was a lot harder than I thought it would be. It seems I already have a lot of the things I dreamed of, lucky me.

Here's my ultimate bucket list (in no particular order)...

  1. Visit Red Square in Moscow.
  2. Live in Orlando, Florida (just for a while)
  3. Get over my fear of flying.
  4. Own a Dior dress.
  5. Finish and publish my novel.
  6. Walk in heels all day and it not hurt my feet.
  7. Live closer to my parents.
  8. Have a safe but gorgeous tan.
  9. Attend a blog conference.
  10. Tell people I write for a living.
  11. Inspire someone to start blogging.
  12. Earn money from blogging.
  13. Hire a cleaner.
  14. Hire a cook.
  15. Learn how to make myself look 'fabulous in five minutes'.
  16. Live by the sea.
  17. Tell my family I'm a writer.
  18. Have the confidence to sing on stage.
  19. Get into Tots100.
  20. See my children get married.
  21. Meet grandchildren.
  22. Get the house decorated.
  23. New bathroom for the en-suite.
  24. Have beautiful hair every day.
  25. Be the best mum I can be.
  26. Be the best wife I can be.
  27. Watch my boys become men.
  28. Fly first class.
  29. Have my teeth whitened.
  30. See my boys achieve their dreams.
  31. See the Hubby achieve his dreams.
  32. Have all the time I need, every day.
  33. Learn how to take better photos.
  34. Get the blog professionally designed.
  35. Get professional head-shots done.
  36. Have perfect vision.
  37. Get a blogging award.
  38. Find the cure for self-doubt.
  39. Touch/stroke a leopard (without fear)
  40. Visit Niagara Falls.
  41. Go on an ultimate shopping spree in New York.
  42. Be able to take my grandchildren to Disney World, Florida.
  43. Sit. Just sit and do nothing.
  44. Have nothing on my to-do list.
  45. Learn another language.
  46. Be better at taking calculated risks.
  47. Own an Aston Martin DB9 (James Bond's car)
  48. Learn to draw.
  49. Have my writing touch someone's heart.
  50. Make sure my family is happy, healthy and secure.
That was REALLY hard. 

I'm tagging these lovely bloggers if they want to join in...
