Welcome back to another Post Comment Love with Stephanie and me, we're looking forward to reading your posts this week. Link up with your best or favourite post of the week and we'll stop by to read, comment and share.
It's been a weird week this week, both busy and not. I feel like a lot has happened despite being at home all week and not really getting much done. Does that make sense? No. Probably not.
Hubby fell off his bike last week, on Thursday, and it was a pretty bad one. It was his own fault, he was going too fast, but he was hurt. He'd gone out on his own (without LP) and decided to "go for it", then came off his bike at the bottom of a hill. He ended up going to A&E on Friday morning because he was worried he'd broken his thumb. After an x-ray the doctors said they couldn't see a break but gave him a support for his hand. He's still suffering with pain now. He's not really able to drive or write and even typing is tough for him. Not great. So as you can imagine I spent last weekend looking after him.
On Saturday we headed to Alton Towers, hoping to get on the new ride Wicker Man. It was cold and snowing but we figured it would be fine - and Hubby had checked the app before we left to make sure it would be open. Unfortunately when we arrived there was a member of staff wandering around telling everyone that because of the temperature (-2ºC) they weren't running any rides. It's quite a drive from Nottingham to Alton Towers, at least an hour, but because we have Merlin Annual Passes and Hubby was injured we decided to just go back home and try again next time. We're hoping it'll be okay for this Saturday.
During the week this week I've spent a lot of time trying to get blog posts done and scheduled for the week. With the Easter holidays coming up (end of next week!) I'm hoping I can get more posts scheduled so I'm not spending too much time doing work instead of spending it with the boys. It's tough though, time seems to slip away without me noticing these days!
Then there's the kids. I've had LP wanting to change up his lunchtime routines so I've been trying to think of ways to make it more interesting for him. He mentioned that his friends take pasta to school for their lunch but when I said it would be cold pasta he scrunched his nose and said "ugh!". I said I'd look into getting him a lunch box that would keep something warm for him so he might be able to take something hot to school - he was quite excited by the thought. I had no idea such a thing existed and told him it probably wouldn't be possible. Then I happened to see something interesting in the supermarket. It was some sort of flask for food so I went onto Amazon and did more research. In the end we settled on a small Thermos and got it delivered the same day! LP went to school yesterday with baked beans and he couldn't have been more excited. Now I just need to think of different things he could take so that he's not having baked beans every day!
BP has been preparing for cooking again this week. I bought his ingredients and he went to school with them - he's making a chicken pie this week. It's nice to see him enthusiastic about something, he always seems to enjoy cooking. I'm also waiting for him to find out that LP is taking hot food to school, I have no doubt he will decide he wants the same! I don't mind it though, it'll certainly make it easier to prepare something for them both. I've scoured Pinterest for ideas and even have a board for hot lunch ideas, but if you have any ideas for me let me know in the comments - I'd love to hear them.
How was your week?
***Post Comment Love is taking a break for Easter next week, but we'll be back on 6th April ready to read your fabulous posts!***
***Post Comment Love is taking a break for Easter next week, but we'll be back on 6th April ready to read your fabulous posts!***
Blogger Showcase Sarah from Life in a Break Down and UK Bloggers
Who are you?
Hi, I’m Sarah I’m 32 and from the midlands, I am a full-time blogger running Life in a Break Down and UK Bloggers, I made the decision last year to try and make it my full-time income and so far, so good!
How did you discover blogs/blogging?
Many years ago a friend set me on the path of Live Journal and I used it as a way to express my feelings. I think that was my first real experience of what blogging was and what I could become.
Why did you start blogging?
I read many blogs before I decided to try it myself, I was at a very low point in my life, I had been diagnosed with yet another health issue and had given up on everything. So, I began my blog in the hopes of remembering something good from each and every day. I never would have thought it would lead me down the path it has.
What do you find most challenging?
Spelling and grammar are really hard for me, I’m actually really dyslexic and while over the past 7 years it has vastly improved I know it isn’t the best and it can be quite disheartening when you just can’t spell the word you want to use. Other than that, it has to be social media – I over think things a lot and quite often rewrite tweets or Facebook posts many times and never actually post any version of them.
What is your favourite topic to write about?
I actually don’t know – I’m one of those people who finds it very hard to stay on one subject, so I love the fact I can bounce about between topics and hopefully still keep people engaged and interested.
Are you blogging for fun or do you have goals?
I started out blogging for fun, it really was a way to help try and make myself better and while that’s still at the heart of what I do, I do have goals these days. I would love to make my blog bigger, better and more well know.
What are your 3 best posts?
This post where I admitted something about mental health that I have never before, speaking about my dyslexia, which I hope helps someone who is going through it as well and helps them know it doesn’t have to hold you back and I’m going to say this one on Hawkchurch Spa and Resort as myself and Ash had an amazing time in Devon.
Describe yourself in three words!
Creative, Crazy, Ill
Are you a tea and biscuits or coffee and cake person?
Can I go for tea and cake? If not, then tea and biscuits.
What's your idea of a perfect night out?
Gosh I don’t do nights out much with my health, but definitely good friends, nice food and delicious drinks.
Your perfect night in?
Cosy setting, good movie, good drinks and lots of laughs with friends.
What would your best friend/OH/mum or kids say is your best quality?
I just asked the other half and he said I’m good at making hot chocolate and patient.
Connect with Sarah
Thank you so much for taking the time to answer our questions Sarah, you can totally choose tea and cake 😉. Feel free to grab our 'featured' badge and display it ever-so-proudly on your blog!
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Each week you'll be able to link up from either of our sites and between us Stephanie and I will comment on every post linked.
The rules; Link up your best post written in the last week and we'd like you to comment on at least two other linked posts, as well as the hosts.
Help us spread the #PoCoLo word on Twitter and include the badge on your post.
Please do pop over and say hi to this week's Blogger Showcase. It's always nice to get a comment or two.
If you'd like to be featured in our Blogger Showcase please do check out the questions and email your answers to us at postcommentlove@gmail.com.
Thank you for popping by.
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