It's time for Post Comment Love again and Stephanie and I are back and ready to read your brilliant posts. Link up your favourite or best from this week and we'll share and comment!
I am exhausted. We're just half way through these holidays and I'm ready for a break. It is so tiring trying to keep bored children happy and it involves a lot of activities. I feel like it's been non-stop although it really hasn't. We've done lots of activities locally like mini golf and cinema trips, we went to Venice last week and came back on Friday, and we've visited family. During the holidays I've taken hundreds of photos, my phone is fast filling up because of them. I do love capturing our times together though, they're so special! There's no doubt there will posts coming soon - although I'm not sure when because time seems so limited!
It is Friday again and we're heading to London (yes, again!) next week. We're going at the end of the week though and staying for a few days. The boys are looking forward to sight-seeing and I'm sure we'll have a great time (with lots of photo taking).
While I feel like these holidays are totally killing me I am still loving having lots of time with my boys. The summer is a time when I feel absolutely wiped out and in need of time alone but I miss my boys when they go back to school.
There's still 3 weeks left of these holidays and there's plenty left to do! What have you been up to so far this summer?
Blogger Showcase Madi from Malicious Madi
Who are you?
My name is Madi, and I'm a 16 year old from Texas. I enjoy playing guitar and piano, and I aspire to either be in the Police force, or an author. Maybe both? I found a love for blogging recently, and I can't let go of it.
How did you discover blogging?
I was on a weebly site my friend had made, and I got to thinking, "Hey, what if I started a blog?" It all started from that. It's not the best blog out there, but it's something
Why did you start blogging?
I wanted to express my emotions and deep thoughts, but when I did on social media, I felt like I was asking for attention in a way, so I decided to create a weekly website to help me. On my blog I'm able to post my feelings, my photography, and my art. It makes me feel whole as a person, like I have a purpose, even though I don't get thousands of views, or even a few comments. I'm hoping one day I will though.
What do you find most challenging
Getting the words on paper! I get inspired easily but its hard for me to get the words down and stay consistent and everything. Im getting better though! practice makes perfect!
What is your favorite topic to write about
Honestly, anything inspirational, or something to help people through a tough time. Then again, I like writing about rants, but I don't post those. It just really depends on my mood.
Are you blogging for fun or do you have goals
Both! I enjoy the feeling that other people could be reading my post, but then my goal is to have somewhat of a fanbase, like a small one. Heck, I would be happy with a fanbase of 10 people. Even if people don't read and I don't have a fanbase, I'm happy.
Have you ever attended a blogging conference?
What are your best 3 posts?
Describe yourself in 3 words
Ambitious, determined, and Caring
Are you a tea and biscuits or coffee and cake person?
Honestly I'm both. In the morning Im a coffee and cake, and late night tea and biscuits, but if I had to choose, coffee and cake probably. Either way both are really good
What's your idea of a perfect night in?
hmm, probably playing some video games with my boyfriend and just relaxing and not having to worry about any school work due the next day.
What would your best friend /OH/mum/kids say is my best quality.
I asked my best friend, and she said that I'm super protective over my friends, which is true.
Connect with Madi here:
Thank you for answering our questions Madi and feel free to grab our 'featured' badge and display it ever-so-proudly!
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Each week you'll be able to link up from either of our sites and between us Stephanie and I will comment on every post linked.
The rules; Link up your best post written in the last week and we'd like you to comment on at least two other linked posts, as well as the hosts.
Help us spread the #PoCoLo word on Twitter and include the badge on your post.
Please do pop over and say hi to this week's Blogger Showcase. It's always nice to get a comment or two.
If you'd like to be featured in our Blogger Showcase please do check out the questions and email your answers to us at
Thank you for popping by.
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