Does your child struggle to stay focused in school? Is he or she often distracted/feels uncomfortable while studying?
Well, attention problems are common in today’s generation of school-goers who are overstimulated by technology, peers, etc.
But if your child fails to concentrate inside the classroom over an extended period of time, he/she may struggle in exams or get expelled. Such scenarios could create feelings of shame and inadequacy. No parent wants that to happen.
On that note, here are 5 tips to get your child back on track to being a successful student in school.
1. Play Memory Games
When trying to explore how to improve your child’s concentration at school, start by taking measures to increase his/her focus at home first. One way to do this is by playing memory games. For instance, you can lay out a sequence of items and help your kid memorise the series. Then, put a blanket on the items and see how long your child takes to recall the sequence. The neurons in their brain will map out over time and it will become easier for them to stay focused in school and at home.
2. Get Their Clothing Right
Tight clothing can hinder your child’s ability to stay focused. The child may not feel good in skin-tight elastic attire and therefore find it difficult to concentrate on classroom lectures. Seamless clothing for kids is an option for children who experience hypersensitivity, sensory processing differences or who can’t bear irritating seam. With soft edging, breathable material and other similar features, such clothing offers kids superior comfort so that they stay calm and are able to focus on learning.
3. Ask Them to Remove Visual Experiences from School Desks
Classroom or school desk clutter can make your child brainscattered. Ask them to remove visual distractions from their desk and then see if they can concentrate better. This will give them fewer excuses for not paying attention to the task assigned by their teacher. Remember, children don’t have the same ability as adults to filter out distractions when it matters the most. Tablets, smartphones and the vast majority of material on the web can make them lose focus. Educate them on the drawbacks of having such devices at the school desk.
4. Make Sure Your Child Eats Healthy
There is a positive correlation between healthy eating and how well a kid focuses. High consumption of junk food items that are loaded with sugar and sodium can make your child sluggish. Caffeinated energy drinks are worst; they provide a quick dose of sugar that leads to an “energy” crash later. Also, your child can easily get addicted to caffeinated drinks, which could result in health complications in the future. Make sure your child eats healthy proteins and whole-grain foods. Fruits and vegetables should top the list as they include antioxidants that increase brain power.
5. Address Their Physiological Needs
Most kids concentrate best after a good night’s sleep so make sure that your child gets sufficient sleep of 8-9 hours. This will stimulate his/her dopamine levels which increase the ability to focus, especially in lethargic children. Frequent breathers can have a similar impact. Tell your child to relax for 10 minutes while at school, get lunch, and then go back to learning.
These measures will go a long way in improving your child’s concentration at school.
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