The Bigger Ones Tag

Getting my boys to talk about anything is difficult, when I ask them a question I usually get a one word answer. Sometimes I can have whole conversations with them but this only happens on rare occasions when they're feeling particularly sociable.

A few weeks ago I was tagged by the lovely Catie over at An Imperfect Mum for The Bigger Ones tag. I get to ask my boys 10 questions and maybe learn a little bit about them!

An interview with LP (7 years old)

Who is your best friend?


What do you want to be when you grow up?

A typer. Someone who types.

If you could have one super power what would it be?


What are the 3 best things about being you?

Having friends, I'm good at maths, getting better at typing.

What are the best and worst things about mum?

Best = You make our food.
Worst = You don't have any money.

Can you name one thing that scares you?

Dad (sometimes when he's being funny)

What's the nicest thing a friend has done for you?

They play with me all the time.

How do you describe me to your friends?

Bigger than me and good at cooking.

If you could go anywhere in the world for a day, where would you go?


Which 3 words describe you best?

Crazy, weird, friendly.

This was really interesting, first of all he's been practising his typing recently and I've noticed that featured a couple of times. The super power question was easy and he answered straight away. I laughed when he said the worst thing about me was that I have no money, I could've taken that a different way and thought it was a terrible thing but to be honest he could've said worse. The Hubby earns all the money so, in a way he's right!

The question about what scares him was easy too but I don't think he was thinking about a fear, he was thinking about his dad sneaking up behind him to scare him. That made me smile. 

An interview with BP (12 years old)

Who is your best friend?


What do you want to be when you grow up?

An artist.

If you could have one super power what would it be?


What are the 3 best things about being you?

Having friends, I'm artistic, I'm a good writer.

What are the best and worst things about mum?

Best = make amazing food.
Worst = You can get a bit shouty.

Can you name one thing that scares you?


What's the nicest thing a friend has done for you?

They come to my birthday parties.

How do you describe me to your friends?

Nice but annoying.

If you could go anywhere in the world for a day, where would you go?

Walt Disney World, Orlando.

Which 3 words describe you best?

Happy, friendly, artistic.

The interesting thing about BP's answers was that he considered my feelings when answering questions about me. He tried very hard to be diplomatic about how he answered. BP has always been artistic and loves nothing more than drawing and this comes through in his answers.

I'd like to thank Catie for tagging me.

I'm tagging:

Susan K. Mann
Kim - Northumberland Mam
Jo - Mother of Teenagers
Claire Justine
Jane - Maflingo


Interview your child/children.
Tag 3-5 other bloggers.
Include the badge on your post.

I can't wait to read your children's answers.

diaryofanimperfectmum bigger ones tag