Post Comment Love 26th - 28th August

Welcome to another week of Post Comment Love with Stephanie and me, it's great to see you lovely lot coming back every week to link up. I know Steph won't mind me saying that we both really appreciate your support in keeping this linky going. 

So another week has passed and we're that much closer to the boys being back at school. I'll admit to being a little jealous when I've seen some children are already back, I'm definitely ready for it.

Saying that though we've had a wonderful holiday and made the best use of it we could while trying to work too. We went to Calke Abbey, in the National Forest, yesterday (review to follow soon) and afterwards went for a lovely curry with the in-laws to celebrate their anniversary. Chester Zoo was amazing last week and although it rained all day (ALL DAY!!) it didn't dampen our spirits and we had a great time. 

Strangely this week I seem to have had time for outings, work, and other stuff... although now I think about it my ironing pile and the washing mountain are growing again - Doh! Never mind, as long as the boys' things for school are ready when they need to be it'll all be fine. 

As I say, I'm looking forward to getting back to routine and the countdown is on. There's a little more than 1 week and the boys will be back. I have no doubt we'll quickly get back into routine and I'll be enjoying a peaceful coffee in a morning after drop-off. Speaking of which my closest friend just got a job at the school and that means we'll be starting our morning walks again (hopefully). I don't think it'll be every day but it's nice to think we'll be chatting and staying healthy again. 

If you've seen any of my social media updates recently you'll have noticed I have a new toy...

I was SO excited to get it and within just a few hours we started it. If you want to keep track of the build watch out for my Facebook and Instagram updates. These Lego builds are great and whenever we build something I love sharing the little details. Keep your eyes peeled! 

Blogger Showcase

We've had a great response to our changes to Newbie Showcase and can't wait to start showcasing you lovely lot. If you'd like to be featured do get in touch - everyone is welcome!!


As it's a bank holiday the linky will be staying open an extra day, so there's more time for you to link up, read, and enjoy other linkers' posts. Enjoy the bank holiday people - let's hope it's a sunny one. 

The rules; Link up your best post written in the last week and we'd like you to comment on at least two other linked posts, as well as the hosts. 

Help us spread the #PoCoLo word on Twitter and include the badge on your post.

Thank you for popping by.

Post Comment Love
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