Routines make life easier. They help you stay organised and keep on top of your housework. But when the kids are off school, or you're ill, your routine takes a hit and you (and your household) fall into chaos. The kitchen doesn't get cleaned, the washing mountain grows, and dust piles up. Then when the kids go back to school it's difficult to get back into your routine because there's so much work. There is a way to keep momentum with your routines, despite these blips. Read on to find out how.
Blips in your routine don't make you a bad mum
We all have these blips in our routines. We fall ill, half-term arrives before we're ready for it, or a family member needs our help, and our routine takes a hit. But suffering a blip in your routine does NOT make you a bad mum.
It took me a long time to realise that I'm not a rubbish mum if I have an untidy house. I used to beat myself up every Monday morning as I looked at my chaotic kitchen. Plates piled high. A laundry mountain to rival Everest. It bothered me that I couldn't keep up with the routine over the weekend and keep the house tidy for my family. Then I realised what that chaos meant.
I was actually prioritising my family over the cleaning! I spent time with my boys and the Hubby rather than doing the cleaning. I enjoyed playing board games, watching our favourite shows, and going out for family days. So why on earth was I beating myself up about being a bad mum?
Is prioritising your family a bad thing?
No of course not.
So if you have blips in your routine, and you feel bad for not being a better mum, take a moment to think about what you've spent your time doing.
The truth is you do an AMAZING job.
Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings.
William Arthur Ward
You can always get back on track with your routine
The blips can throw your routine and then you have to spend extra time on your chores. But you can always get back on track. Spending a little extra time each day will get your routine back on track and come the weekend you'll be back to normal again - just in time for the weekend with your family!
I spend the week catching up on and take the weekend for the family - then I'm back to where I started on Monday. But that's okay.
Keeping momentum with your routine
The key to keeping momentum with your routine is to do chores a little at a time, more often. I have a giant list of chores, but I never try to do them all at once - that would be overwhelming and I'd give up. Instead I break down the list into smaller chunks so the chores are easier to tackle.
In a morning, after the kids have gone to school (or while they're getting ready), I'll wander around the house collecting dirty dishes. It usually takes less than 10 minutes.
The laundry is another task. Loading the laundry into the machine takes 5 minutes and then I can leave the machine to do its job. This one I save until the kids have left for school. Another job done.
Cleaning the kitchen counters is next on the list, and depending on the day it can take anywhere between 5 and 15 minutes. Once it's done I smile because my kitchen looks great.
I do these small jobs almost every day (not counting weekends) and manage to keep momentum with my routine because the chores don't build up too much over the weekend.
Use checklists to keep momentum
Whether it's paper, something stuck to your fridge, or reminders on your phone, using checklists to help you keep track of your chores is a great way to keep momentum with your routine. List all the jobs you do every day. Each time you finish one, tick it off. Not only does it feel good ticking off a chore but you can see you're making progress every day. And when you're a stay-at-home mum any kind of progress makes you feel better.
I use reminders on my phone. I have a list of chores I do daily, weekly, and monthly, and they pop up regularly. There are set days for each room, for example Mondays are my lounge days, Tuesdays are for my office. I concentrate on a room, do all my chores, then stop - so I'm not overwhelmed with all the cleaning that needs to be done. The routine also helps with keeping the whole house tidy - no room gets a chance to get overly untidy.
Admittedly sometimes I ignore the reminders. Usually at a weekend. But I know they're there and it
encourages me to tidy up when I can so the chores don't pile up.
Having a reminder of the chores you need to do is an efficient way to keep momentum with your routine. Especially if it pops up every time you look at your phone. It's like a nagging little voice that never lets you settle. And while nagging is annoying - it works doesn't it?
Know nothing is set in stone
No matter how many days you keep momentum with your routine you're always going to suffer blips. Holidays from school, or an unexpected visitor can pop in and your routine takes a hit - but that's okay. YOU are in control of your routine and you can always switch things around if necessary.
The key is taking control, no matter how many blips you encounter you can always get back on track. Keep going with the routine, even if it's just the essentials like loading the dishwasher because you have no clean dishes!
Keep momentum with your self-care routine too!
Despite blips to your chores routine you need to take care of yourself too. When we fall ill we realise we've been neglecting ourselves. I've done this so many times - I finally realised taking some time for myself meant I was ill less often.
Self-care is really about taking care of you and focusing on feeling good about yourself - mind and body.
Franchesca Ramsey
I read, have time alone (while the boys are at school), and I spend time doing things I enjoy - like playing video games. I have down time. As a result I am more relaxed about everything else. I don't stress about the dishes, don't worry about the laundry. I follow my routine and I have time for me too - win!
Please make sure to allow time for yourself when you're working out your routine - it's just as important!