Post Comment Love 29th June - 1st July

Friday again and that means it's Post Comment Love time again. Join Stephanie and I for this week's linky and add your own favourite post of the week. We love reading the range of posts linked up every week and we look forward to seeing what we have in store each time. 

I know it keep saying it but can you believe it's going to be July on Sunday? It is less than 1 month before we go on holiday and I am so not ready. I've got so much to do beforehand I'm kind of scared it won't get done. But on the other hand I'm not going to let myself get stressed out about it, I really will need that holiday if I do that! I have a plan, and I think it's going to work, so I'll chill for now (and by chill I mean type away on the computer).

There's not a lot to report this week, I've been getting back to my walking after the epic cleaning last week. I'm loving the sun I have to say, it's great to have some nice weather finally. And it's a great way to prepare for the heat in Florida! While the weather here is nothing like Florida the heat this week has been good practice. Florida heat is very different, here you get a nice breeze sometimes and that breeze is cooling but in Florida if there is a breeze it's just as hot as the sun most of the time so it's not cooling at all. It is humid, very humid, and the only way of escaping it is to be inside where there is epic air conditioning. You'd be surprised how much time you spend going into shops just for the air conditioning - of course you always end up buying something. That's the genius of having Walt Disney World in Orlando - the heat drives people inside where there's plenty for the kids to see and want to buy! 

A Stitch plush in Walt Disney World.

But that's what holidays are for right?

Having so much to do is a good distraction from the fact that LP goes on his first residential trip in a couple of weeks. It's the first time he'll have stayed away from home when it's not with family and I'm probably not going to like it much. It will be very strange because I won't have to do the school run and our cheerful boy won't be at home after school. It'll be a weird week when he goes. I know he will love it, he's looking forward to it so much and I know he'll want to do it again. But given that he's my youngest I think I'll struggle. Like I said, the busyness is a good distraction. 

So what have you been up to this week? How have you been enjoying the sun?

Blogger Showcase Daniella from HaloHalo

Who are you?

Hello I'm Daniella! A blogger hoping to inspire and showcase the beauty of my country, the Philippines, through my writings and pictures.

How did you discover blogs/blogging?

I discovered blogging through Google's Blogspot. I used to blog about my day and my feelings/emotions for that day because I thought blogging was like an online diary kind of thing lol!

Why did you start blogging?

I started blogging because I wanted to vlog but I was and still am too shy to show my face on camera. I still had that urge to be heard and spread my knowledge on certain things so I decided to blog instead. I love writing anyway so this is a great way for me to improve my writing as well. 

What do you find most challenging?

I'm still a student and we have a lot of school works to be done and pass on a certain period of time. Often times during these days I tend to lose time for blogging and as well as inspirations to write a new post. But ever since I started planning ahead of time on what to blog, things have turned out pretty good for me. 

Also english is not really my first language so I have to really check my grammar twice or thrice before I publish it for the world to see. And possibly be judged.

What is your favorite topic to write about?

I have written four blog posts about HTML and CSS back in January, 2018. Since programming is the course that I take in uni, I wanted to spread some knowledge about it that I know would benefit other bloggers out there.

Basic HTML Every Blogger Should Know is one of my most read posts on my blog. 

Are you blogging for fun or do you have goals?

I am both blogging for fun and for a certain goal. That goal being to be heard by many people out there so that I could hopefully inspire them to visit my country someday. 

I never see blogging as just an activity that I could just do and leave for silly reasons like 'I lost interest'. Blogging is a hobby that turned into my passion.

What is your favorite thing about blogging?

Blogging had opened many opportunities for me, I had met friends who shares the same interest and struggle of blogging while still being a student, I made connections with lovely people that allowed me to be featured on their blogs (such as these lovely people from pocolo), and self-improvement. 

Have you ever attended a blogging conference? 

Unfortunately not yet! But I would love to attend one someday.

What are your three best posts?

Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay

Reasons Why You Should Start A Bullet Journal

Basic HTML Code Every Blogger Should Know

Describe yourself in three words

Friendly, hard working and expressive

Are you a tea and biscuits or coffee and cake person?

I'm more of a soda and pizza type of person (so far) haha!

What's your idea of a perfect night out?

A small gathering at a friend's house!

Your perfect night in?

Binge watching my favorite youtuber in my pajamas!

What would your best friend say is your best personality?

My bluntness. I don't beat around the bush and say what I have in mind as is.

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions Daniella, and feel free to grab our 'featured' badge and display it ever-so-proudly on your blog. 

Post Comment Love
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Each week you'll be able to link up from either of our sites and between us Stephanie and I will comment on every post linked.

The rules; Link up your best post written in the last week and we'd like you to comment on at least two other linked posts, as well as the hosts. 

Help us spread the #PoCoLo word on Twitter and include the badge on your post.

Please do pop over and say hi to this week's Blogger Showcase. It's always nice to get a comment or two. 

If you'd like to be featured in our Blogger Showcase please do check out the questions and email your answers to us at

Post Comment Love 29th June - 1st July - come join in the linky!

Thank you for popping by.

Post Comment Love
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