Time to Think

For the last week I've not been 'feeling it' blogging wise, I haven't been inspired to write anything and I don't see much point in writing something just to say I have. I did try last week to force some inspiration by looking through some prompts. I wrote something I wasn't hugely proud of and figured I would just take a break instead. 

If only I could sit here and think...

So, for now that's what I'm going to do. The kids break up on Friday (4th April) for two weeks and I thought this would be a good chance for me to figure out what it is I want to do. I love writing and blogging but other things seem to get left behind when I'm concentrating on blogging. My book isn't any further along than it was a couple of months ago and I'm disappointed in myself for allowing this to happen. The break will hopefully do me good and I can come back refreshed and have lots to talk about. Or I'll come back to say I'll be blogging less... we'll see.